
The project ”Qualitative, dynamic and acoustic analysis of anisotropic systems with modified interfaces” (ACADIA) aims to explore the mechanical, dynamic and acoustic properties of wood from the construction of stringed musical instruments, both as anisotropic systems with different interfaces due to the structure, texture and design of the wood (spruce and maple), as well as multibody systems whose complex geometry give the musical instrument its special acoustic qualities.

The aim of the ACADIA project is to study the dynamic and acoustic properties of resonant wood from the Carpathian mountains area, modified by three types of treatments: artificial aging (exposure to UV radiation); filling the pores with saline solution and applying two types of finishes (based on natural resins and nitrocellulose resins, according to what is used in the musical instrument factory).


 O1. Microscopic and spectroscopic (FTIR) investigation on the penetration and distribution of treatment materials into wood

O2. Determination of elastic/acoustic properties of wood samples with different surface treatments

O3. Evaluation of dynamic and acoustic properties of wood and violins from unmodified and modified biointerfaces

O4.  The dissemination and visibility of tje project results