International Conference


"Interdisciplinary approach of musical instruments – from design and testing, to audience"

July 18 -20, 2024, Brașov, Romania

 The purpose of the conference is to exchange theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of musical instruments, with focus mainly on wood properties, design and manufacture, product testing, sound processing and psycho-acoustic impact on players and audiences. Participants will gain information on the current state of the art in the field of stringed musical instruments, information on research carried out, solutions proposed or implemented, challenges between art, music and engineering. 

As the participants are university professors, scientists, musical instrument manufacturers and artists' representatives, the conference is a good premise for establishing closer cooperation in science, research, education, culture and manufacturing.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the following major topics:

Properties of materials for musical instruments;

New materials for musical instruments;

Design of musical instruments;

Current challenges in the construction of musical instruments;

Simulation and testing of musical instruments;

Heritage musical instrument;

Experimental techniques for  musical instruments testing;

Psychoacoustic evaluation of musical sounds;

Quality Instruments in Music Education 

Prof.dr.eng.habil. Mariana Domnica Stanciu
President of the Conference
Project coordinator

 Organising Committee (click here)

Conference Program - Technical Programme

Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Location: Aula Magna, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania, 41 Iuliu Maniu Street

 Invited Speakers:


 Belibou_Alexandra.jpg              Alexandra Belibou

PhD Lecturer, Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Music, Romania

Keynote title: The epic of the violin in cult music

                        Joseph Nagyvary                                  J_Nagyvary.jpg

Professor dr. chem., Texas A&M University, USA

Keynote title: From the chemistry of the Renaissance to the renaissance of violin making

Purdoiu_Robert_Cristian.jpg               Robert Cristian Purdoiu

Assoc. prof. dr.,  University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca (USAMV Cluj) 

Keynote title: Applications of image analysis in identifying the constructive characteristics of historical violins

                  Florin Dinulică                                  Florin_Dinulica.jpg

Prof. dr. eng. Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, Romania

Keynote title: Phenotypic and structural descriptors of the acoustic quality of resonance wood

Ozgar                   Özge Akar, M. Sc.

Institute of Applied Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Keynote title: The "Modal Accompaniment" of a Violin Crafting Process

                   Way Long                                           Long

Associate Professor, Department of Wood Science and Design, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Keynote title: Violin sound source characteristics by using the microphone array analyzes

 Cretu_Nicolae.jpg                  Nicolae Constantin Crețu

Associate Professor, Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Romania

 Keynote title: Spectral Kurtosis as a new method to explore the acoustic signatures of violins

   Mădălina Dana Rucsanda                           Madalina_Rucsanda.jpg

Prof. dr. Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Music, Romania

Keynote title: Violin – in folk music

Doru_Ursuțiu.jpg                       Doru Ursuțiu

Professor dr. phys., Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Romania

 Keynote title: Virtual instrumentation, remote technologies in engineering and music education

 Manolea_Gheorghe.jpg               Gheorghe Manolea                      Alboteanu_Laurentiu.png     Ionel-Laurențiu Alboteanu

Professor dr. eng., University of Craiova, Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer, CITT

 Keynote title: Romanian inventions and inventors in the field of musical instruments

 Bândilă_Ioan-Paul.jpg               Ioan Paul Bândilă 

Luthier, Association of Artists Luthiers from Romania

Keynote title: Romania on the world map of musical instrument manufacturers

                         Voichita Bucur                                   Bucur.jpg

Adjunct Professor, RMIT University, School of Science Melbourne AUSTRALIA

Keynote title: Wood species for the violin bow

Suciu_Magdalena.jpeg Magdalena Suciu (violinist, Ph. D stud.) & Botond.jpegBotond Szőcs (pianist, Ph.D.)

Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Music, Romania

Keynote title: Cultural Soundscapes: The Violin in Chinese and Turkish Heritage 


Vernissage exhibition of luthiers' musical instruments 



Alin Stoica

Claudiu Mare

Ioan virgil Bândilă

Aurelian Mare

Călin-Nicolae Vultur



Vasile Ghiorghe Gliga




violinist Diana Jipa & pianist Ștefan Doniga

organized by Prof. dr. Stela Drăgulin, Director of Music Center of Transilvania University of Brasov

 The "ROMANIA UNIVERSALIS" concept is meant to mark the presence and importance of Romanian culture in the European whole, integrating some of the most valuable and well-known creations belonging to Romanian composers in the context of the great music from the old continent. Thus, highly sensitive pages signed by George Enescu, Ciprian Porumbescu, Alfonso Castaldi, Bela Bartok, Remus Georgescu or Walter Klepper are framed by musical works of similar genres and forms, belonging to the most illustrious names in the history of European and universal music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Pablo de Sarasate, Jules Massenet, Eugene Ysaye.

The purpose of this joining is to place the jewels of the Romanian musical culture in an ensemble of masterpieces of a similar caliber, making up a particularly attractive musical program, impressive both in virtuosity and refinement, which emphasizes the correspondence and indisputable value balance between its components and certifies, thus, the position and value of Romanian culture in the European context.

Violinist Diana Jipa and pianist Ștefan Doniga form the most active chamber ensemble in Romanian classical music in recent years. Since 2017, they have given more than 500 recitals and concerts in almost 30 countries on the 6 inhabited continents of the world and in more than 50 cities in Romania. But the most important element of their career is the fact that it was all done with Romanian music. In 2023 alone, the two musicians gave almost 70 concerts in 10 countries on 3 continents and in 30 cities in Romania, they produced 11 films broadcasted by the Romanian National Public Television, they earned the most important award in Romanian music – the MUSICRIT Excellence Award – for the ROMANIA UNIVERSALIS concept and were the first Romanian musicians in history to circle the Earth in a single recital tour.



Friday, July 19, 2024

Technical Trip

Brașov - Reghin, the Violins town, Romania

Technical visit S.C. Gliga Musical Instruments Factory

Field trip  in spruce groves in the Gurghiu mountains (on ”Italian Valley”)

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cultural Trip

Reghin - Brașov (return)