Phase I/2022
Sets of wooden samples with shapes and sizes according to the determinations
Structural characterization data set of resonance wood before and after treatment
Experimental protocol on progressive UV exposure
Experimental protocol regarding progressive exposure to saline environment
Dataset – FTIR analysis of spruce and poplar before and after treatments;
Data set (images) with the surface morphology of the spruce and paltin before and after the treatments;
Scientific report WP1
2 workshops with the project team
Workshop no. 1
Project website;
Dissemination of results:
Stanciu M.D., Gliga G.V., Lungu A., Ghereș E., Tismanar I. The Surface Energy of Coating Layers used for Violins Varnishing, The 10th edition of the ModTech2022 International Conference (Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering), 22 – 26.06.2022; Constanța, Romania (prezentare orală);
Gall, R., Stanciu M.D., Filimon E., Gliga V.Gh., Cosnita M. The influence of artificial aging on resonance wood on its physical characteristics; Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials Engineering (COMAT2022), 18 – 19.10.2022, Brașov, România
Stanciu M.D., Nastac S.M., Dinulica F., Cosereanu C., Gall R., Gliga V.Gh., Filimon R, Identification of resonance frequencies of tone wood used for musical instruments, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference „Noise and Vibration, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, 19 – 21.10.2022, Nis, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6093-111-7.
Stanciu M.D., Nastac S.M., Savin A., The spectral acoustic evolution of violins before and after varnishing, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference „Noise and Vibration, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, 19 – 21.10.2022, Nis, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6093-111-7.
Stanciu M.D., Nastac S.M., Savin A., Comparison between Acoustic Spectral Evolutions of Violins before and after Varnishing, International Conference INTER-ENG 2022 Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 6 – 7.10.2022, Tg Mures, Romania, 978-3-031-22374-7 Springer International Publishing (Verlag).
Phase II/2023
Data set with mechanical properties of the resonance wood determined by mechanical, tests (modulus of longitudinal, transverse elasticity, specific deformations, etc.)
Data set with viscous - elastic properties of the resonance wood determined by DMA, tests (storage modulus, loss modulus, damping, etc.).
Data set with acoustic properties of the resonance wood determined by Lamb waves, (wave propagation velocity, etc.).
Articles in journal with FI>1.5 and SRI>1
Dinulica, F.; Savin, A.; Stanciu, M.D. Physical and Acoustical Properties of Wavy Grain Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) Used for Musical Instruments. Forests 2023, 14, 197. (FI=2.9/ SRI=1.318);
Gurău, L.; Timar, M.C.; Coșereanu, C.; Cosnita, M.; Stanciu, M.D. Aging of Wood for Musical Instruments: Analysis of Changes in Color, Surface Morphology, Chemical, and Physical-Acoustical Properties during UV and Thermal Exposure. Polymers 2023, 15, 1794. (FI=5.0; SRI = 1.787);
Guiman, M.V.; Stanciu, M.D.; Roșca, I.C.; Georgescu, S.V.; Năstac, S.M.; Câmpean, M. Influence of the Grain Orientation of Wood upon Its Sound Absorption Properties. Materials 16, 5998 (2023) (FI=3.4, SRI =1.659)
1 scientific report WP2 Raport_stiintific_si_tehnic_faza_II_ACADIA_final.pdf
2 workshops with the project team;
Dissemination of results:
Stanciu M.D., Micu M.A., Nauncef A.M., Rosca I.C., Gliga V. Gh., Năstac S.M. Acoustic analysis of violins in the concert hall - the Stainer violins case study, The International Conference “Acoustics and Vibration of Mechnical Structures”, 25 – 27 May Timișoara 2023.
Mihalcica M., Nauncef A.M., Guiman V.M., Bîrsan St., Năstac S.M., Stanciu M.D. Analysis of violinist kinematics during musical rehearsals, The International Conference “Acoustics and Vibration of Mechnical Structures”, 25 – 27 May Timișoara 2023.
Stanciu M.D., Dinulica F., Sabo L.C., Rotaru M.G., Câmpean M., Savin A., Steigmann R., Năstac S.M. The influence of artificial aging on the acoustic and dynamic properties of resonant wood, Buletin Științific Supliment – Catalogul oficial al Salonului Cadet-Inova 4 – 6 May 2023, nr. 8/2023, Ed. Academiei Forțelor Terestre N. Bălcescu, Sibiu, ISSN 2501-3157.
Dinulică Florin, Hiciu Cristian, Sandor Daniel Constantin, Știrbu Marian, Mursa Andrei, Stanciu Mariana Domnica, The relationship between structure and acoustic properties of sycamore maple wood, The 13th edition of the International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM", 2 – 4.11.2023, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Mariana Domnica STANCIU, Manuela MICU, Vasile Ghiorghe GLIGA, Silviu Marian NASTAC, Mihaela CAMPEAN, Voichita BUCUR, Alina Maria NAUNCEF, Study of the acoustic properties of violins in the concert hall versus the anechoic chamber, The 13th edition of the International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM", 2 – 4.11.2023, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Mariana Domnica STANCIU, Calin MARASESCU, Lidia GURAU, Maria-Cristina TIMAR, Lara SABO, Mihaela COSNITA, Ghiorghe Vasile GLIGA, Adriana SAVIN, Gabriel DOBRESCU The effect of the number of varnish layers on the physical and dynamic properties of the soundboard for musical instruments, The 13th edition of the International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM", 2 – 4.11.2023, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Roxana GAL, Eugenia FILIMON, Sergiu Valeriu GEORGESCU, Mariana Domnica STANCIU The effect of artificial aging on the color parameters of the varnish used in the construction of musical instruments, The 13th edition of the International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM", 2 – 4.11.2023, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Adriana Savin, Mariana Domnica Stanciu, Rozina Steigmann, Florin Dinulica, Gabriel Silviu Dobrescu, Silviu Nastac, Lara Sabo Cercetări asupra proprietăților elastice ale lemnului utilizat în construcția instrumentelor muzicale cu corzi, Salonul Inovării și Cercetării UGAL INVENT, 9-10 Noiembrie 2023, Premiu - Medalia de Aur.
Mariana Domnica Stanciu, Violeta Maria Guiman, Florin Dinulică, Silviu Marian Nastac, Ioan Calin Rosca, Adriana Savin, Mihaela Câmpean, Vasile Ghiorghe Gliga Aplicații ale screening-ul acustic pentru determinarea reflexiei si absorbției sonore în cazul materialelor anizotrope cu interfețe modificate, Salonul Inovării și Cercetării UGAL INVENT, 9-10 Noiembrie 2023, Premiu - Medalia de Aur
Dinulica F., Stanciu M.D., Roibu C.C., Hiciu C., Șandor D.C., Stirbu, M., Mursa A., Maple resonance wood: structural and acoustic requirements, The 6th Edition of the Integrated Management of Environmental Resources Conference Suceava – Romania, 23 – 24 noiembrie 2023. Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava, Romania
Stanciu M.D., Dinulica F., Gliga V.Gh., Câmpean, M., Savin A., Nauncef A.M., The music of wood - the connection between the forest ecosystem, the manufacturing technology and art, The 6th Edition of the Integrated Management of Environmental Resources Conference Suceava – Romania, 23 – 24 noiembrie 2023. Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava, Romania
Phase III/2024
80 violins (160 plates; 2 plates/violin) treated with surface treatments (oil-based varnish, alcohol varnish, nitrocellulose varnish, 100-year-old aged wood; back plates of other species)
Dataset (frequency spectrum, damping factors) for innovative control and treated violin models
1) Dataset of resonance frequency spectra (impact hammer method, sustained dynamic method)
2) set of wav files (5 each/recorded violin)2 workshops with the project team:
Raport științific despre studiul comparativ între viori de control și viori inovatoare
Dissemination and promotion of project results
1) Publication in ISI journals:
Stanciu, M.D.; Cosnita, M.; Gliga, G.V.; Gurau, L.; Timar, C.M.; Guiman, M.V.; Năstac, S.M.; Roșca, I.C.; Bucur, V.; Dinulică, F. Tunable Acoustic Properties Using Different Coating Systems on Resonance Spruce Wood. Adv. Mat. Interfaces 2024, 1, 2300781, (FI2024=4.3, SRI2022=2.121)
Faktorová, D.; Stanciu, M.D.; Krbata, M.; Savin, A.; Kohutiar, M.; Chlada, M.; Năstac, S.M. Analysis of the Anisotropy of Sound Propagation Velocity in Thin Wooden Plates Using Lamb Waves. Polymers2024, 16, 753. (FI2024=4.7, SRI2022 = 1.961)
Stanciu M.D., Teodorescu HD., Vlase S., Mihalcica M., Cosnită M.,Savin A, Multiscale assessment of artificial aging treatment of polysaccharides from tonewood species, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., Volume 274, Part 1, 2024, 133310, (FI=7.7, SRI2022 = 754)
2) Book chapters
Guiman, M.V., Stanciu, M.D., Nastac, S.M., Gliga, V.G., Savin, A. (2024). Free Vibration Analysis of Orthotropic Thin Rectangular Plates. In: Moldovan, L., Gligor, A. (eds) The 17th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering. Inter-ENG 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 926. Springer, Cham. (capitol carte).
Guiman, M.V., Roșca, I.C., Nastac, S.M., Georgescu, S.V., Câmpean, M., Stanciu, M.D. (2024). Sound Absorption Characteristics of Orthotropic Porous Materials. In: Moldovan, L., Gligor, A. (eds) The 17th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering. Inter-ENG 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 926. Springer, Cham. (capitol carte).
Stanciu, M.D., Micu, M., Nauncef, A.M., Rosca, I.C., Gliga, V.G., Nastac, SM. (2024). Acoustic Analysis of Violins in the Concert Hall—The Stainer Violins Case Study. In: Herisanu, N., Marinca, V. (eds) Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures—AVMS-2023. AVMS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 302. Springer, Cham. (capitol carte).
Mihalcica, M., Nauncef, A.M., Guiman, MV., Bîrsan, Ș., Nastac, SM., Stanciu, M.D. (2024). Analysis of Violinist Kinematics During Musical Rehearsals. In: Herisanu, N., Marinca, V. (eds) Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures—AVMS-2023. AVMS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 302. Springer, Cham. (capitol carte).
3) International conference participation
Stanciu M.D., Gurău L., Dinulica F., Roibu C.C., Hiciu C., Mursa A., Stirbu M. The surface morphology of sanded curly maple in comparison with straight grain maple selected for musical instruments 11th Hardwood conference, Sopron, Hungary, 30-31 May 2024,
Gall R., Savin A., Stanciu M.D., Campean M., Gliga V.Gh. The influence of the type of varnish on the viscous-elastic properties of maple wood used for musical instruments, 11th Hardwood conference, Sopron, Hungary, 30-31 May 2024,
Stanciu M.D., Dinulica F., (workshop) Diagnosing the Technological Quality of Wood by Means of Tree Rings, TRACE 2024 Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, BRAȘOV, ROMANIA, 3-8 JUNE 2024,
Stanciu M.D., Nastac S.M., Dinulica F., Savin A., Gliga V.Gh., Timar C., et al. Qualitative, dynamic and acoustic analysis of anisotropic systems with modified interfaces (ACADIA) The 28th International Exhibition of Inventions “INVENTICA 2024” Iasi, Romania
Stanciu M.D., Nauncef A.M., Nastac S.M., Amariei N. Analysis of signal amplitude of violins with modified physical parameters, The 27th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2024), Volume 4 , Estonia, Tallin, 24–27 September 2024,
Stanciu M.D. (Invited Speaker) Multiscale Assessment of Strings Musical Instruments, The 18th International Conference INTER-ENG 2024 Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 3 - 4 October 2024, Târgu Mureș, Romania,
Stanciu M.D., Chi-Wen Chen , Yo-Wei Wang , Guan-Ting Zheng, Yu-Kang Lin , Long Way, Emilia Salca, Roxana Gall, Analysis Of The Physical And Acoustic Properties Of Tropical Wood Species From Taiwan For Stringed Musical Instruments, The 18th International Conference INTER-ENG 2024 Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 3 - 4 October 2024, Târgu Mureș, Romania,
Gall R, Stanciu M. D., Savin A. Viscous–elastic properties of varnished wood, The 10th International Conference on ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ENGINEERING, 22-23 October 2024, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
Nastac S.M., Guiman V., Stanciu MD Assessment on operational dynamic response changes of tonewood due to ageing The 10th International Conference on ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ENGINEERING, 22-23 October 2024, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
4) International conference ”Interdisciplinary approach of musical instruments – from design and testing, to audience" July,18 - 20 2024, Brașov
5) Book printed by Springer Nature Printahouse, Interdisciplinary Approach to the Violin From the Forest Ecosystem, Manufacturing Technology, Quality Control, to The Design of New Instruments , Eds. Stanciu M.D., Bucur V.

Chapter 1. Tonewood as a resource of Romanian Carpathians forests
Chapter 1. Tonewood as a resource of Romanian Carpathians forests
Chapter 3. Mechanical characterization of spruce resonance wood and curly maple for violins
Chapter 4. From the chemistry of the Renaissance to the renaissance of violin making
Chapter 5. Effect of varnishing on the surface morphology of tonewood for violins
Chapter 6. Effects of violin varnish on some physical, mechanical and acoustical properties of resonance spruce and curly maple samples
Chapter 7. Violin manufacturing technology
Chapter 7. Violin manufacturing technology
Chapter 9. The Epic of the Violin
Chapter 10. The Violin in Romanian Folk Music
Chapter 11. Vioda family of bowed string instruments invented by Professor Ion Delu
6) National patent proposal : A00638/28.10.2024, Stand şi metoda de îmbătrânire acustică a instrumentelor muzicale noi